We are on a mission to remove barriers to access for underserved children in our community.

The Phillip “Poppa” Dauterive III Foundation was birthed after the tragic death of nine-year-old Phillip Dauterive III, which occurred when a distracted driver veered into the lane of oncoming traffic, hitting the vehicle in which Phillip and his father were traveling. 

Our main concern here at the PD3 Foundation is helping underprivileged children to live life “the Poppa way”: loving easily, forgiving quickly, having fun in every situation, and never missing an opportunity to bring joy and happiness to others.

Living life “the Poppa way” includes valuing education. All scholarships aim to give kids the care-free, fun-filled, overwhelmingly joyous life that Poppa enjoyed everyday. These scholarships will go toward school tuition, school supplies, and extracurricular activities for underprivileged children.

With the funds raised at Phillip Fest 2019 and 2021, we have sent PD3 Care Packages to over 50 newly grieving parents, provided scholarships to support players on the Broussard Swampcats Football team in 2019, 2020, & 2021, been a sponsor of the St. Martinville Summer Basketball League in 2021 and 2022, became a sponsor of the GPAL Foundation to support the fight against gun violence stealing the lives of children, and became a sponsor of The RescYou Group which provides financial support for funeral arrangements as well as emotional support to parents who’ve suffered child loss.

Thanks to the continued support from the amazingly generous members of our community like you, together we have been able to provide partial scholarships to two deserving students and one full scholarship to a deserving student at the Episcopal School of Acadiana (Cade, LA). Currently in the works, we hope to extend our scholarship program to Highland Baptist School (New Iberia, LA) and Holy Family Catholic School (Lafayette, LA). 

The PD3 Foundation also seeks to support parents in the community who are faced with the devastating loss of a child by extending personalized bereavement materials to aid them on their grieving journeys. 

If someone you know has suffered the unfortunate loss of a child, help our foundation to connect with them by filling out our grieving parents form here.